
Korean Foods 2 Yummy :)

Posted by Natasya widarta at 9:02:00 PM
So what’s on menu today? Probably 된장찌개 (soybean paste stew) , 해물파전 (seafood pancake) and 소고기장조림 (Boiled beef and quail’s eggs in soy sauce). This is the first time I’m trying out 소고기장조림, so not sure if I will succeed >,<
Here are some pictures of the stew and pancake that I made 2 weeks ago! I improvised on the stew but it was delicious ^^ I love the dipping sauce for the pancake!!
And now some more food pictures from Korea! The real thing. xD
1. The most delicious seafood pancake I had!! It was in a family restaurant in 경주. Not somewhere that will catch your eye and there weren’t many customers too. But it was SO GOOD.
2. Yum! Assorted veggies and pork on a hot plate!
I hope I dint make you too hungry :P


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